CompPharma offers retrospective and real-time pharmacy benefit management (PBM) audits along with a range of consulting services to workers’ compensation payers. Founded in 2006 by Joe Paduda and Helen King Patterson, CompPharma was initially a research, education and advocacy consortium of PBMs active in workers’ compensation. The company changed direction in 2019, partnering with HealthPlan Data Solutions, to provide services to payers.
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Joe Paduda, President
CompPharma’s President Joseph Paduda is a nationally recognized expert in medical management. Joe has extensive experience in the workers’ compensation industry and deep expertise in managing workers’ compensation pharmacy programs. He conducts the annual Prescription Drug Management Survey, interviewing workers’ compensation payers on their concerns about pharmacy, their pharmacy programs and their thoughts on further ways to contain costs. (See resource section for copies of the surveys.)
Joe is also the principal of Health Strategy Associates, which consults with the nation’s leading payers, managed care organizations, and self-insured employers throughout the United States to develop products and services that deliver true health care savings. In addition, he writes the popular industry blog, www.ManagedCareMatters.com. Prior to forming his own company, Paduda held executive positions with major insurers, including Traveler’s, United Healthcare/MetraComp, and Liberty Mutual. He holds a master’s degree from American University and a bachelor’s from Syracuse University. Contact Joe at jpaduda@comppharma.com.
Helen King Patterson, Vice President
CompPharma’s Vice President Helen King Patterson, APR is a public relations consultant specializing in health care, medical management and workers’ compensation. She has been part of CompPharma since the beginning, managing the organization’s operations and communications, including its research and educational materials.
Before starting the public relations firm King Knight Communications in 1994, Helen worked for advertising and public relations agencies in the Tampa Bay area. She previously served as promotion director for two public television stations affiliated with the University of South Florida and as an editor with the Marine Research Laboratory. A graduate of the University of South Florida’s Mass Communications program, Helen is a long-time member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). She was accredited in 1991 and served on the Tampa Chapter’s Board of Directors for several years and as its president in 2000. She can be reached at hpatterson@comppharma.com or 813-690-4787.
HealthPlan Data Solutions
HealthPlan Data Solutions (HDS) provides workers’ compensation payers transparency into their prescription drug data so they can measure their PBMs’ contract compliance and performance against competitive benchmarks.
HDS offers retrospective audits, consulting, insight into average market pricing, and real-time audits against your PBM contract through its proprietary Pharmacy Payment Integrity System. We help you identify errors, savings and ways to improve PBM performance.
In addition to workers’ compensation payers, we analyze pharmacy data from all types of payer types – group health, Medicare, Medicaid and others.
Established in 2010 by pharmacists, business executives, and software development professionals, HDS delivers an objective, data-driven approach to managing pharmacy benefit costs. For details, please see https://hds-rx.com/