We analyze transactional pharmacy data, identify pricing issues, and work with payers to maximize savings in their pharmacy programs. If you want help  sorting through the complexity of work comp pharmacy, need expert assistance  when writing RFPs and selecting a PBM, or want to see if you’re paying the prices you should, it’s worth a fact-finding conversation to see if we can help.

Call Joe Paduda at 203-314-2632 or email jpaduda@comppharma.com

We provide pharmacy management consulting services to:










CompPharma’s goal is to create and strengthen pharmacy management programs to ensure that workers’ compensation payers pay fair, reasonable prices for medication and that their PBMs are adhering to their contracts.


Joe Paduda, President
Joe is a nationally-recognized expert in medical mangement with extensive experience in the workers’ compensation industry. MORE >

CONTACT JOE: 203-314-2632

Helen King Patterson, Vice President
Helen is a public relations consultant specializing in health care, medical management and workers’ compensation. MORE >

CONTACT HELEN: 813-690-4787

HealthPlan Data Solutions (HDS), provides workers’ compensation payers transparency into their prescription drug data so they can measure their PBMs’ contract compliance and performance against competitive benchmarks. MORE >


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CompPharma News

Joe Paduda Presents CSIA Webinar on Facility Costs, Drivers and Solutions

Among COVID-19 and delayed surgeries, reductions in Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement, rising unemployment and other economic pressures, hospitals are having a tough time financially. And, facilities are looking to workers’ comp to help make up the revenue. Employers in most states are paying 3 to 8 times … Continue reading Joe Paduda Presents CSIA Webinar on Facility Costs, Drivers and Solutions

The survival of niche PBMs

Managed Healthcare Executive’s Susan Sadika quotes Joseph Paduda in this article on how niche PBMs survive in a world of mega PBMs better buying power. “They have to compete on the basis of something else, such as focusing on certain diseases or niche businesses, such … Continue reading The survival of niche PBMs

COVID-19 Affects Workers’ Comp, But Not the Way You Think

COVID-19 has hit workers’ comp hard, but it’s not the disease or its costs. It’s the economic devastation that will have deep and broad effects, writes Joe Paduda in WorkCompWire’s Leaders Speak. He argues that the industry’s focus on profitability is misplaced and explains why … Continue reading COVID-19 Affects Workers’ Comp, But Not the Way You Think

Pharma Blogs from Joe Paduda

Good news Friday – Opioid settlement rejected, lower drug costs, and a solid economy

A beautiful Friday morning here in New York’s Finger Lakes…here’s the good news from this week. First, the Supreme Court rejected the Purdue Pharma opioid settlement agreement – thereby allowing victims to pursue legal action against the Sackler family. As … Continue reading Good news Friday – Opioid settlement rejected, lower drug costs, and a solid economy

Opioid reduction in work comp and the impact on patients and prescribers

A just-published research study examined the impact of reductions in opioids on workers’ comp patients and prescribers in Ohio and Washington. (our research which includes payers’ opioid spend is here) Key takeaways: Providers reported more limited and cautious prescribing than … Continue reading Opioid reduction in work comp and the impact on patients and prescribers

Solving pain – opioids, NSAIDs, and better options

WCRI’s latest report on drugs in workers’ comp has some excellent news...opioid usage dropped 29% from Q1 2021 to Q1 2023. WCRI’s data is from 28 study states representing the vast majority of workers’ comp drug spend. It may well … Continue reading Solving pain – opioids, NSAIDs, and better options